Monday, July 18, 2011

L-Tree 52 online

Bill Mac Donald has completed another issue of the L-Tree.  Issue 52 is available for your perusal.  Thanks Bill.


Debra Guiou Stufflebean said...

I am interested in hearing from descendants of John and Anne Guion Lounsbury from Westchester Co, NY. I am the author of "A French Huguenot Legacy" and continue to do research on descendants from Louis Guion of New Rochelle. If you are interested in what Lounsbury genealogy I have in the book, you can visit my website at, click on the book's cover, then scroll to the bottom of the page that appears and open the Guion genealogy pages. My email is listed on those pages. Debra Guiou Stufflebean

HazNavy said...

I am descended from Michael and Abigail Lounsbury (6th great grandparents). I am looking to establish a Sons of the American Revolution link and have been told the work has already been accomplished for their sons Jonathon, Valentine, and Caleb. For the life of me I cannot find the information. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Tod Hazlett

Bob said...

Editor Bill Mac Donald wrote a very full response to this question and sent it directly to the writer. It is too long for Google Bloger's comments limit.