Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Making comments, adding entries

If you wish to make a comment on any entry, just click on the work "comments" below each entry. If it is the type of comment that needs to become an entry, I will move it into the main entry column. Comments are moderated; I see them before they are posted. I will cheerfully delete any spam. If you wish to send a larger entry by email, leave that as a comment with your e-mail address. I will delete the comment as soon as I see it and write to you directly.


Issues 1-14 and 16 of Lounsbury Tree added

Bill Mac Donald has been working assiduously to scan early issues of the Lounsbury Tree and has now completed the first fourteen issues and the sixteenth issue, linked at the right. Thank you, Bill.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Early Lounsbury Trees added

Bill Mac Donald has been very busy scanning early issues. You will notice four issues added: 1, 2, 3, and 5! Thanks, Bill.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lounsbury Tree Issue 32 added

Bill Mac Donald has scanned issue 32 and it is now available (see Lounsbury Tree list to the right).


Fall 2007 Issue of L-Tree

If you have information for the Fall issue of the L-Tree, please send it ASAP to Bill Mac Donald as an attachment. His address (substitute an "@" for the "at" and no spaces) is wmacdonald at kwic.com. Bill plans to have the issue out in November.


Three latest L-Trees added

Bill Mac Donald has sent the three most recent issues of the L-Tree, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, and Spring 2007, and I have added them to the list at the right. Note that the latest issue is much larger than the others at over 6 MB.
