Thursday, December 20, 2012

Issue 55, The L-Tree

As if to prove the point of his industry,  editor Bill Mac Donald has produced the Fall/Winter 2012 issue for the L-Tree, linked here and in the right column.  Thank you, Bill and Merry Christmas!


Jan said...

Thank you for doing this - glad to discover it again!

I'm a great-granddaughter of John Winder Lounsbury, a pioneer of Treherne Manitoba.

Unknown said...

Wondering if this is still active. I'm looking for information on Emily Jane (Lounsberry) Shaffer 1850-1921 daughter of Allen Lounsberry (1800-1892) and Laura Mather (1816-1892). Allen & Laura were born in New York, married in 1837 in Michigan and Emily born in Michigan. I'm looking for documentation for membership in the SAR and Mayflower Association. Documentation seems to be non-existent.