Monday, January 11, 2010

Your name on the masthead?

Current editor Bill Mac Donald has served for many years.  He has been efficient and able.  For many of us, he has been the "call and information center" for all things Lounsbury (however your family spelled the name.)  Bill is facing recurring health concerns and thinks it is time for orderly succession planning.  In short, the L Tree is looking for a new editor.  Ideally this person would have an "L" name, but as Bill has so ably proved, it is not an absolute requirement.

Communicate your interest in this significant service role to Bill Mac Donald:  wmacdonald[at]

I would like to thank Bill for his years of selfless service and hopes for the very best health outcomes.

-bob fraser

1 comment:

Genealogy said...

I can believe the great performance of Bill Mac Donald, by looking at this site. I think every post of yours is a huge resource of data. L-Tree is helpful for many who are working on there own family tree.