Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lounsbury Tree -- almost done

Bill Mac Donald has scanned all the Lounsbury Trees he has and I have copied over from Jim Jurista's site (with his permission) all the Trees he had there (he plans not to continue to host that site, alas). We have the complete series now posted, except for three issues (15, 38, 39). If anyone can supply these, the series would be complete.

A huge Thank You to Bill for all the work in scanning all the past issues and to previous editors for all the work they put into this great labor.


1 comment:

Bstevens said...


I am a descendant of Thomas Stevens of Stamford Ct. His daughter, Esther Stevens, is our shared ancestor. Esther Stevens married Obadiah Seeley, who had a daught Abigail Seeley, who married Joseph Finch. Their daughter Elizabeth Finch married Epenetus Lounsbury, and they had two daughters.

What I'm hoping, is that those two daughters had daughters and grand-daughters, and that somewhere, a female descendant is still living that would be interested in taking part in a dna study to help find a family line for our ancestor, ANN ?? who was the wife of Thomas Stevens.

If there is such a person out there, and they are interested, there is no cost involved, they only need to supply the dna sample which is done by swabbing the inside of the cheek.

My email is:

My website is:

Barb Stevens